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We, the team of Sneh Social Welfare Foundation, are dedicated to employing interns in the organization. We ensure availability and retaining the best talent. At the same time, we provide the interns with advice and instructions to make sure they give their best.

know about our Internship

Global diversity has brought in various changes in the ways of teaching and learning for the trainees. Our team members are trying to create and offer opportunities to all special needs individuals, distressed women, slum dwellers and unprivileged youth so that they receive the most suitable training and education with a holistic approach. The demand for trained teaching professionals or interns has increased in all areas of education, Vocational and Pre-vocational training, and community welfare across the globe.

“Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.”


We are running India's #1 Youtube Educational channel for Children with Special Needs.

A Unique platform, India only #1 youtube channel for disability. Our channel is for social welfare and its development a new concept of educational creativity a very informative cahnnel who work crossed the India & give full strengthening to disability.

Our Ongoing