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Education plays an essential part in the development of society. Every citizen, including the underprivileged, is entitled to the right to education.

1 in 11 children goes to work when they should be in school. When it is hard to afford necessities like food, shelter, and clothing; education becomes a luxury that the poor give up. Illiteracy then leads to further poverty. Close to 53% of girls in the age group of 5 to 9 years are illiterate. More than 50% of girls fail to enrol in school. Those that do are likely to drop out by the age of 12.

Sneh Social Welfare Foundation aims to empower the citizens by giving access to education and better opportunities. Many disabled children are enrolled in Special Schools for regular therapies and Special Education. The vocational centre supports training, events, campaigns and employment of adults and youth.

Women learn to read and write, primary education and training in employment generation such as sewing, art, creative skills, small business ideas, etc. Our computer centre offers training to enable them and empower the citizens in the best way possible.

Sneh Social Welfare Foundation team understands the importance of education and works laboriously by building knowledge gateways with its unique approaches amidst the feeling of service towards humanity.

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Education helps people become better citizens, Educated people are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights , laws and regulations. Please come support and donate us to Educate poor or person's with Disabilities.

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