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Become a Volunteer

This quote by Elizabeth Andrew perfectly captures the emotions of a volunteer. If you are just looking for the right time to do a task, then it’s never going to happen because the right time is now itself. Do you have any free time for a week? Recall that moment when you are sitting on a sofa comfortably just watching another episode of those TV series. But is that what you want to do with your life? What about all those dreams of bringing a change in society? Why not try something new & exciting while helping others?

Why not volunteer? Join us now.

know about our Volunteering

Volunteering is a fun & easy way to explore your interests, gain new skills, meet new people & most importantly give back to the community where you live. It provides you with a resuscitate sense of creativity, motivation & vision.

Here at Sneh Social Welfare Foundation, we are devoted to making a better India, an educated India by trying to help all those who are yet in those dark black tunnels of unawareness. We try to light lamps of education, employment and opportunities in the lives of unprivileged children, women and youth.

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have a Heart.”

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We are running India's #1 Youtube Educational channel for Children with Special Needs.

A Unique platform, India only #1 youtube channel for disability. Our channel is for social welfare and its development a new concept of educational creativity a very informative cahnnel who work crossed the India & give full strengthening to disability.

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